How to Assess and know your Value at Work in the Long Term.

ND Mensah
2 min readApr 14, 2020

Your work value refers your unique skills, capabilities and experiences you posses to help a company or an organization achieve its mission or vision statement.

Ask yourselves what you bring to the table as an employee and how best do you fit in the organization. Also, you need to understand the current situation of the organization and have an idea of how you can help with your expertise to make a positive impact.

So you been working with your current or previous organizations for a while. Did your presence affect change? Were you there out of convenience? Or you just wanted to get paid to survive. Could be any or all or the above.

Other questions to ask yourself are — Am I replaceable? , Is my skill set common?, does my absence distort the progress of the organization? These when answered will give you a fair idea of your value to your employer.

If you honestly feel you need to posses more value for your presence to felt in your current or past organizations, then you need to educate yourself on the current needed career value trends and match it with your current skills and elevate.

Investing in yourself — knowledge- wise and education. You don’t need to go back to sitting in the classroom. There are lots of quality online courses to aid you. Not expensive if you are think about it. You can balance it whiles working. Most do have flexible hours.

Always remember you are the master of your destiny. Take charge of the what you can control, which is; the media you expose yourself to, the conversations and engagements. You need to be fully aware of your situation.

You need to know the current global business trends. You have you know what the new age business require to survive. You need to forecast your current performance to know if you will be needed in a few years.

Finally, have progressive conversations with your HR or Employer. Ask them where you fit long term and how you can add value to the organization. Ask them for suggestions if any. Make them aware of your eagerness to deliver excellence and they will reward you with EVP.

An employee value proposition (EVP) is the unique set of benefits that an employee receives in return for the skills, capabilities, and experience they bring to a company.

Good luck and keep moving.



ND Mensah

A commentary on life business and other things in between.